

field comments
name The name of this pd
dataDir The meta data storage dir
leaseSecsTTL Lease time for PD leader
rpcAddr Export grpc address for External components
embedEtcd:clientUrls Etcd address for internal etcd client
embedEtcd:peerUrls Etcd address for internal etcd peer
embedEtcd:initialCluster PD cluster info
embedEtcd:initialClusterState Iniial etcd cluster state
schedule:maxReplicas The max replicas number for each cell
schedule:locationLabels The location label for store, pd use this select best store for cell replicas
schedule:maxSnapshotCount The max snapshot count for store, pd use this select best store for cell replicas
schedule:maxStoreDownTimeMs The max time of store does not send heartbeat for PD. PD will not schedule cell replicas to this store
schedule:leaderScheduleLimit The max count of leader cells at every store
schedule:cellScheduleLimit The max count of cells at every store
schedule:replicaScheduleLimit The max operator count of create cell replica at every store


command args comments
clusterid The Elasticell cluster id, 0 means not join the cluster
pd PD addresses
addr Internal address
addr-cli KV client address
data The data dir
zone Zone label
rack Rack label
buffer-cli-read Buffer(bytes): bytes of KV client read
buffer-cli-write Buffer(bytes): bytes of KV client write
batch-cli-resps Batch: Max count of responses in a write operation
capacity-cell Capacity(MB): cell
interval-heartbeat-store Interval(sec): Store heartbeat
interval-heartbeat-cell Interval(sec): Cell heartbeat
interval-split-check Interval(sec): Split check
interval-compact Interval(sec): Compact raft log
interval-report-metric Interval(sec): Report cell metric
interval-raft-tick Interval(ms): Raft tick
limit-peer-down Limit(sec): Max peer downtime
limit-compact-count Limit: Count of raft logs, if reach this limit, leader will compact [first,applied], otherwise [first, minimum replicated]
limit-compact-bytes Limit(MB): Total bytes of raft logs, if reach this limit, leader will compact [first,applied], otherwise [first, minimum replicated]
limit-compact-lag Limit: Max count of lag log, leader will compact [first, compact - lag], avoid send snapshot file to a little lag peer
limit-raft-msg-count Limit: Max count of in-flight raft append messages
limit-raft-msg-bytes Limit(MB): Max bytes per raft msg
limit-raft-entry-bytes Limit(MB): Max bytes of raft log entry
threshold-compact Threshold: Raft Log compact, count of [first, replicated]
threshold-split-check Threshold(bytes): Start split check, bytes that the cell has bean stored
threshold-raft-election Threshold: Raft election, after this ticks
threshold-raft-heartbeat Threshold: Raft heartbeat, after this ticks
batch-size-proposal Batch: Max commands in a proposal
batch-size-sent Batch: Max size of send msgs
worker-count-sent Worker count: sent internal messages
worker-count-apply Worker count: apply raft log
enable-metrics-request Enable: request metrics
enable-sync-raftlog Enable: sync to disk while append the raft log
metric-job prometheus job name
metric-address prometheus proxy address
interval-metric-sync Interval(sec): metric sync


field comments
addr Address to serve redis
pdAddrs GRPC address for PD cluster
maxRetries Max times for retry send msg to backend servers
retryDuration Duration interval for retry
supportCMDs Support redis commands